Monday, October 27, 2008

Building Reminders

Mike and Doug, our wonderful and hardworking maintenance staff, have asked that I share the following reminders about building use policy with you.

(1) DO NOT MOVE ROOM RENTAL SET-UPS. We had an incident a couple of weeks ago where a student group used a room set up for a rental and the room set-up was missing 50 chairs for the event.

(2) You are responsible for cleaning up after your events. This means if you have food and/or anything else that makes a mess, you must wipe down the tables, sweep/vacuum up crumbs, etc. If you need a broom, vaccum, paper towels, etc. ask the desk worker at the front desk for assistance.

(3) If you alter a room set-up, please remember you are responsible for returning the room to its original set-up.


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