Monday, March 3, 2008

Yes... another one.

I know what you are thinking.

"Another blog, Kasey? really? Seriously, we don't think you are that old. So, you can stop trying to prove you're 'hip' and 'with it.'"

But I assure you, friends, that THIS blog is not to be cool. Actually, it is to save you all from something I know you don't like, an insane amount of emails from yours truly. Or at least, you'll get less emails from me. Plus, you can chat about things you would not necessarily want to post on the Y's blog, AND you can plan things like meetings without filling up everyone's inbox. Just trust me on this one. It will be awesome, but you have to check it.

That's the catch. I am willing to refrain from forwarding you every email Steve and others send me and I am willing to put all of the nagging reminders on the blog instead of sending you a millions emails, but you have to agree to at least check the thing from time to time.

So, blog things will be things like job announcements, conference opportunities and other events around campus. You'll still get emails for things like volunteer requests, but the rest of the stuff will just be posted here. What do you think?


ellen said...

i like it, but i'm going to miss flooding all yall's inboxes with sweet shit on campus.

Kasey said...

I think I set a record for most number of compound sentences used in one blog post. Lame.